Willkommen - welcome to my little blog. Enjoy all the ideas I brought with me from my trips around the world of crafting.

Montag, 4. April 2011

My first handbag

No, of course it's not my first handbag - like  every other woman I own more than enough handbags - but this is the first time I made a handbag for myself.  I always wanted to make one, but I always feared it would be too difficult. Now, having bought the wonderful book "Style Stitches" by Amy Butler I just had to give it a try. Since I have more than enough fabric; collected over the years and patiently waiting to be made into something - I selected some summery IKEA fabric and gave it a try.

I have to say - for it being the first time, I'm very pleased with the result.
The finished bag

The lining used to be an IKEA bedspread (very british, I think)

I used some old buttons and a ribbon to close the top

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